Golden Gate Bridge Suicides - The Net Fact Sheet

As of January 2024, a suicide deterrent net has been installed along the full length of the Golden Gate Bridge on the east and west sides including around the two towers. The net extends 20 feet out from the bridge and is placed 20 feet below the bridge road deck. In total, the net covers about 3.4 miles (5.5 km).

Completion of the net is a significant step is prevention of suicide from the Golden Gate Bridge—and marks the completion of almost twenty years of advocacy from the surviving parents and friends of bridge suicide victims, crisis center leaders and prevention advocates who make up the Bridge Rail Foundation.

The net is made of marine grade stainless steel. It is NOT bouncy, soft, or flexible like a fishing net or trampoline. The net is very taut and tightly woven. "It's like jumping on a cheese grater," according to the Golden Gate Bridge District General Manager Denis Mulligan. If a person jumps into the net, they are highly likely to sustain significant bodily injuries including but not limited to broken bones, physical head trauma, and other serious injuries.

Construction of the suicide deterrent net began in 2018 and was finally completed in 2024 after significant, unexpected delays.

The Suicide Deterrent Net project also included wind resistance improvements, railing replacements, reconfiguration of the maintenance travelers to accommodate the net and other bridge improvements.

Even before its completion, the net began saving lives. While the net was still under construction, there were 5 suicides in the first half of 2023, whereas, there were 15 suicides in the first half of 2022. The number of bridge patrol interventions have also considerably declined as word of the net spreads. The Golden Gate Bridge District reports that bridge patrol will continue to be present and vigilant on the bridge and there will be no staffing reductions.


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Bridge Rail Foundation is a tax-exempt non-profit dedicated to stopping suicide on the Golden Gate Bridge, and other suicide prone public facilities. We need your support to get the word out.

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